Kertastjakar sem hægt er að raða saman eftir litum og lögun..
Kertastjakar sem hægt er að raða saman eftir litum og lögun..
The MagneatTM story is spreading fast as The Sunday Times and Esquire are confirming what we have been saying, the MagneatTM is loved 😉
Check it out .
Nýjar vörur frá Tulipop / kort-minnisbækur-plaköt-límmiðar
hönnun Signý Kolbeinsdóttir
New TV hi-fi units and new doors
Montana launches eight new TV/hi-fi units for the modern home entertainment center.
The units are equipped with cable compartment where all cables are assembled and led through a slot in the back panel. The units can be equipped with new retractable doors that dissappear under the top of the module. The doors have no grips, which gives an elegant uninterrupted front; they open with a light push on the front.
The TV/hi-fi units can be equipped with legs or plinths or can be mounted elegantly floating at the wall using the new wall mounting rails permitting cable passage. The units are available mid-May 2010.