Naghringur API, grár

Á lager

  • Skeifan
  • Kringlan
  • Laugavegur
  • Smáralind
  • Vefverslun Epal

3.400 kr.

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Heimsending 1-3 Dagar

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: MM-T-001


– Matchstick Monkey helps you and your baby navigate teething together. Teething can be uncomfortable and even painful for your baby, but textured bumps get teething gels to the source of pain to soothe it quickly. Ergonomically designed for baby hands, your little one will love chewing on the playful Matchstick Monkey. They’re a friend your little one can keep at home, or take with them wherever they go!