Leikföng FISH útsaumað 5 stk

Á lager

  • Skeifan
  • Kringlan
  • Laugavegur
  • Smáralind
  • Vefverslun Epal

7.800 kr.

Bæta á óska/gjafalista

Heimsending 1-3 Dagar

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: FER-1104265600


Dinner is served, and today the menu reads fish. Let your little one dive into a tasty world of make-believe with this sweet set of embroidered food. The GOTS-certified cotton set consists of five different types of fish, where the motives have been embroidered onto little shapes. The whimsical playset comes in a small GOTS-certified cotton tote bag that will allow your little one to carry it from the imaginary kitchen to the kids’ room dining table.