Stóll SJÖAN 7:14 AM

Fritz Hansen
Arne Jacobsen

Stólarnir eru með ‘Regnboga’ stelli. Sjá meira um stólana HÉR

Þessi vara er sérpöntuð. Afhendingartími er breytilegur eftir framleiðendum en tekur a.m.k. 6 til 12 vikur, vinsamlegast sendið fyrirspurn á til að fá nánari tímasetningar.

75.900 kr.

Bæta á óska/gjafalista

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: MEPAL-0625


Inspired by Denmark’s morning light, the 7:14 AM colours capture
the serene beauty of early autumn skies on Arne Jacobsen’s
iconic Series 7™ chair. Featuring five soft hues – Green, Beige,
Pink, Violet, and Blue – paired with a Rainbow base, these ethereal
wash-tones evoke the colours of a dawn sky.
Designed to harmonise with both the existing Fritz Hansen colour
range and each other, the 7:14 AM shades bring a clean, nuanced
transformation to any space. Subtle yet evocative, these colours
complement a wide range of interior styles, enhancing them with
a touch of Nordic light.

The Rainbow base is crafted from semi-recycled steel, seamlessly
welded and coated with a zinc chromate finish. This process
creates a transparent golden rainbow effect, exceptionally durable,
that develops a unique patina over time, deepening the iridescent
colours. The transparent finish allows the pure steel structure
to shine through, revealing the natural hairlines created during
manufacturing, which are subtly visible through the iridescent tint.
The result is a delicate, flecked appearance when viewed up close.




Height: 82 cm Width: 50 cm Depth: 52 cm Seat Height: 46 cm Product weight: 4 kg

Nánari upplýsingar



Height: 82 cm Width: 50 cm Depth: 52 cm Seat Height: 46 cm Product weight: 4 kg

Arne Jacobsen

Arne Jacobsen

Arne Jacobsen var fæddur árið 1902 í Kaupmannahöfn þar sem hann var uppalinn. Árið 1927 útskrifaðist hann sem arkitekt frá Konunglegu Listaakademíunni í Kaupmannahöfn. Hann var lykilþátttakandi í innleiðingu módernismans í Danmörku. Hann er þekktur víða um heim og er meðal þekktustu hönnuða Danmerkur. Hann hannaði margar byggingar í Danmörku, Þýskalandi og Bretlandi.