Eldstæði FIRE BOX

Eva Solo

Ath. Einungis til notkunar utanhúss. Mikilvægt er að láta öskuna kólna í 1-2 daga áður en henni er fargað vegna eldhættu.

Þessi vara er sérpöntuð. Afhendingartími er breytilegur eftir framleiðendum en tekur a.m.k. 6 til 12 vikur, vinsamlegast sendið fyrirspurn á epal@epal.is til að fá nánari tímasetningar.

  • Skeifan
  • Kringlan
  • Laugavegur
  • Smáralind
  • Vefverslun Epal

138.500 kr.

Bæta á óska/gjafalista

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: EVA-571137


By having a dedicated place in the garden around which to gather in front of a fire, you can start the outdoor season earlier than usual and extend it well into the autumn. There is nothing like an open fire for creating a sense of togetherness and hygge, and with an Eva Solo Firebox garden wood burner, you can enjoy the warmth, the sound of the crackling wood, and the special smell of burning firewood.

With its simple and stylish design, the FireBox garden wood burner doesn’t take up much space and is an attractive feature in most outdoor spaces. Moreover, it incorporates a firewood holder, ensuring you always have fuel to hand. The built-in chimney directs the smoke out at the back of the wood burner, so you will not be irritated by unwelcome fumes. The wood burner can be left outdoors all year round.

-The ash should always be left to cool for 1-2 days before being taken to the dustbin to prevent embers igniting the rubbish or the rubbish bag. It is important to always check that the garden wood burner and the ash are completely cold before removing the ash, and before starting to clean the wood burner. Wash with warm water or use a soft brush or sponge. Wipe dry.

Supplied assembled and ready for use.



H125 x B43 x D37,5cm

Nánari upplýsingar


H125 x B43 x D37,5cm