Yfirdýna SLEEP III


Þessi vara er sérpöntuð. Afhendingartími er breytilegur eftir framleiðendum en tekur a.m.k. 6 til 12 vikur, vinsamlegast sendið fyrirspurn á epal@epal.is til að fá nánari tímasetningar.

92.300 kr.222.000 kr.

Bæta á óska/gjafalista

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: MEPAL-0274


The Jensen Sleep Mattress Topper Collection is made with care for both your sleep quality and our environment. This is reflected in the design, with a pattern resembling the beauty of birch leaves. The pattern also makes the zones of the mattress visible.

Jensen Sleep III is the most exclusive topper in the Jensen Sleep Collection.The topper is made of 35% Lyocell and 65% PES, of which 32% is recycled PES. The textiles are beautifully écru-coloured (a yellow-gray tone that corresponds to raw silk) and have a nice shine. A combination of Sensity™ and lyocell transports moisture away from the body and provides a better and more hygienic sleeping climate without bacteria and mites.

Jensen Sleep III features an Innergetic® Latex 5 cm filling. The open cell structure of Innergetic® provides excellent air and moisture transportation. The filling material is both perforated and grooved. The perforation ensures optimal ventilation. Most people find the grooved side softer and the smooth side firmer. Bacteria and dust mite dislike latex, resulting in a cleaner and healthier bed climate.


Innergetic® Latex


Nánari upplýsingar

Innergetic® Latex

