Við viljum benda á að vöruúrval okkar í verslun Epal í Skeifunni er enn stærra en vefverslun okkar býður uppá. Við tökum vel á móti ykkur og svörum öllum fyrirspurnum sem okkur berast.

We founded TAKK Home, a line of quality products for the home, with focus on simplicity, function, aesthetics and respect for the environment. We believe that our home, where we surround ourselves with the people we love and the memories we share, deserves products that reflect our personality and lifestyle.
Takk Home
10.900 kr.
Takk Home
3.400 kr.
Takk Home
3.400 kr.
Takk Home
4.200 kr.
Takk Home
4.200 kr.
Takk Home
4.200 kr.
Takk Home
7.900 kr.
Takk Home
7.900 kr.
Takk Home
4.900 kr.
Takk Home
5.900 kr.
Takk Home
4.900 kr.
Takk Home
5.900 kr.
Takk Home
4.900 kr.
Takk Home
5.900 kr.